Friday, July 26, 2013

The Declaration of Freedom

The Declaration of Freedom 

Now, at this point in time, for the ultimate health, happiness and wealth of oneself it becomes necessary to establish the bonds of connection to the heart of hearts and the powers of the earth, the unified field of the laws of nature and The Creator of nature. Playing and dancing our entitled empowerment of being oneself. In total respect for the reality of nature, humankind requires the complete union of consciousness within the common equality of reality's Paradise Utopia. 
We hold these common truths to be self effident, that all life is created as individual unique miraculous creative beautiful geniuses of The Creators divine truth of life, liberty, love and the pursuit of peace and happiness 
That to provide a secure space for these natural divine rights, governments are designed to create evolving systems of integral coherence with the heart of reality of nature's unified divine blessings of all of life. 
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institue new government. Laying it's foundation on such principles and organizaing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiniess, prudence, indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for dark and transiet caused. When abuses and usupations create disharmony from natures laws, new actions of unified integral systems to benefit the divine nature of Paradise Utopia. 
At this sacred point in time, connecting all past, future and present events allows The Creator to dancew with The Creator within hte most wonderous magical natural manner of co-creating innovative creative collaborative ways of being oneself. 
The Creator as an aspect of unified field of consciousness allows us all to experience and know the heart of reality of being oneself. 
Being oneself with the integral intuitive coherent state of conscousness allows for the unified field of multiple intelligences to combine and integrate into the focused awareness of the divine heart to heart communication of Paradise Utopia natural systems. 
The New Revolution and The New America is an evolutionary process of self government allowing for the combined diverse forms of goodness to manifest freely by systems of divers governments within the unifie field. 
A system of government which is not alaigned with the principles of our divine nature of integrating the most idealistic knowledge of our natural home of Paradise Utopia. That long established connection of The Creator dancing freely with The Beloved Child, The Beloved Mother, The Beloved Father within the most hilariously sacred space of beautiful pure perfect unconditional divine love. 
We, therefore by Provedence of our divine nature of The Creator, solemnly publish and declare, that this Declaration of Freedom acts as a system of the evolution of The New Revolution and The New America and The New Nation of individual unique miraculous creative beautiful geniuses playing and dancing in perfected harmony with The Creator within the unified field of being oneself. 
As Free Beings we have the power to promote peace and establish the rights that this declaration declares with a firm reliance of the protection of divine Provence on our ultimate well being, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.